Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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183- 190

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Debasis Ray, Aswathi Venugopal

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An Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacovigilance amongst the Prescribers of a Medical College Hospital in North Eastern State of India: A cross Sectional Study

Original Article

Author Details : Debasis Ray, Aswathi Venugopal

Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015

Article Page : 183-190

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Background: Spontaneous reporting is an important tool in pharmacovigilance. Underreporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is a common problem. In order to improve the ADR reporting, it is essential to improve the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the healthcare professionals. Various factors are related with the KAP of under reporting of ADR.
Objectives: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the KAP regarding ADR reporting of among the prescribers of a tertiary care teaching hospital with ADR monitoring center in North Eastern state to get insight into the causes of underreporting of ADR.
Materials and Methods: It was questionnaire based cross sectional study. A questionnaire (knowledge -1-10, attitude -11-23 and practice -24-28) was administered to 200 prescribers. The questionnaire was assessed regarding the ADR reporting. Microsoft excels worksheet and chi-square test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: A total 170(85%) prescribers completed and returned the questionnaire. Regarding definition of pharmacovigilance, specific aim of pharmacovigiilance, functions of ADR monitoring center (AMC), 93%, 79% and 51.8% participants respectively could answer correctly. Only 54% respondents opined correctly that reporting of ADR is voluntary. 76.5% participants know the existence of AMC in the institution. 27.6% participants expressed that ADR reporting will generate extra work. 22.4% of participants reported ADR. Regarding reasons of under reporting many factors has been pointed out namely “do not know how to report”, “lack of knowledge about reporting procedure”, “not knowing where to report”, lack of time to report and lack of access to ADR form.
Conclusion: The medical professionals are aware and have partial knowledge about ADRs. However, under reporting and lack of knowledge about reporting system are clearly evident. There is great need of creating awareness about ADR reporting system. Regular sensitization program to motivate the medical professionals may improve the ADR reporting.

Key Words: Adverse drug reactions (ADR), Knowledge, Attitude and practice, Pharmacovigilance, Spontaneous reporting

How to cite : Ray D, Venugopal A, An Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacovigilance amongst the Prescribers of a Medical College Hospital in North Eastern State of India: A cross Sectional Study. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2015;2(4):183-190

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