Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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205- 212

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Femi S V*, Nakshathra R Nath, Amaya Prasannan, Anurag Maniyath, Susheela Rani, E. Satheesh Kumar

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A comparative study on risk factors, clinical presentation, recovery rates and cost burden of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke

Original Article

Author Details : Femi S V*, Nakshathra R Nath, Amaya Prasannan, Anurag Maniyath, Susheela Rani, E. Satheesh Kumar

Volume : 11, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 205-212

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Background: Stroke is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes being the two major types. Understanding their distinct risk factors, clinical presentations, recovery rates, and cost burden is crucial for optimizing patient management and healthcare resource allocation.
Aim: To evaluate and compare the risk factors, clinical presentation, recovery rates, and cost burden associated with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods: A comparative observational study was conducted on 300 stroke patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital, adhering to predefined inclusion criteria. Detailed demographic data, clinical presentation, comorbid conditions, and treatment costs were collected. Daily progress of inpatients was reviewed to assess recovery rates. The cost burden was calculated based on prescription costs for antistroke and other medications over a 5-day period.
Results: Among the 300 participants, 192 (64%) were diagnosed with ischemic stroke and 108 (36%) with hemorrhagic stroke. Hypertension was the most prevalent comorbidity, affecting 72% of ischemic stroke patients and 68% of hemorrhagic stroke patients. Clinical presentations varied, with hemiparesis being the most common symptom in ischemic strokes (45%) and severe headaches more frequent in hemorrhagic strokes (52%). Recovery rates were higher in ischemic stroke patients, with 70% showing significant improvement compared to 58% of hemorrhagic stroke patients within the study period. The mean prescription cost for inpatient treatment over 5 days was 973.4 INR for general drugs and 679.24 INR for stroke-specific therapies. For outpatients, the mean prescription cost was 98.73 INR for stroke-specific drugs and 18.3 INR for other medications.
Conclusion: This study highlights the differences in risk factors, clinical presentation, recovery rates, and cost burden between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Addressing these factors can aid in tailoring therapeutic strategies to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare expenses.

Keywords: Cerebrovascular accidents, Ischemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke, Recovery rates, Clinical presentation, Risk factors

How to cite : Femi S V, Nath N R, Prasannan A, Maniyath A, Rani S, Kumar E S, A comparative study on risk factors, clinical presentation, recovery rates and cost burden of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2024;11(4):205-212

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